These are some websites which may be useful for information and support services:
Samaritans - Call or email for 24 hour listening support:
MIND - Mental Health Charity with resources, information and local support services:
Hub of Hope - a national mental health database which brings together organisations and charities from across the country who offer mental health advice and support:
Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) - is a movement against suicide which provides a helpline, chatline and online information and support:
This app may be more accessible for use on a mobile:
Self Injury Support - Also know as self-harm, this site has links to resources, information and links to helplines, chatline, text and links to support groups:
NHS Moodzone - Information, self-help relating to mental health:
NHS App Library - A selection of apps both free and paid on a wide range of topics
Refuge - Information, support and helpline relating to domestic violence/abuse:
Beat - Eating Disorders, information, resources, support and helplines:
Rape Crisis - Resources, support, chatline and links to local centres:
Cruse Bereavement - Information, resources, helpline and links to local centres:
Alcoholics Anonymous - Helpline, email and links to local support:
Be Gamble Aware - Information and resources: